Pigeon Pox

Cause and Symptoms– Pigeon pox is caused by a virus that is generally carried by mosquitoes and other biting insects. When a nonresistant pigeon is bitten by a carrier parasite, the virus enters the bloodstream of the bird, and within five to seven days, small whitish wart-like lesions appear on the head, feet legs and beak […]

Paratyphoid – Salmonellosis


Cause – This very common and quite widespread is caused by a gram-negative bacterium which is flagellated, therefore mobile. It can be brought into a loft either through introduction of infected pigeons, by rodents, through inhalation of infected dust, on the soles of fanciers shoes, by roaches, or through contact with wild pigeons. Often an adult […]

One Eye Cold

One Eye Cold

Cause – Often confused with the onset of mycoplasmosis, one – eye colds are usually associated with a peck in the eye or some other type of physical injury affecting the eye. One-eye colds can also be caused by improper ventilation, drafts or dampness in the loft.  Symptoms– A watery or mucous discharge in only one eye […]

E-coli or Collibacillosis


Cause– This disease, which is now though to be more prevalent in pigeons than once suspected, is caused by gram negative bacteria’s which can invade our lofts through infected dust particles, rodent droppings, and trough infected pigeon droppings coming into contact with eggs in the nest. Infected adult pigeons will emit the bacteria throughout a […]


Cause – This highly infection and very common disease caused by a protozoe that infects the intensities of our birds. It usually presents to some degree in all pigeons, but most adult birds have developed enough immunity to the disease to remain healthy. Most often infected are young pigeons or birds that have been subjected to severe […]

Trichomoniasis/ Canker


Cause – This is the most common pigeon disease. It’s caused by a microscopic protozoan which is flagellated and therefore mobile. It can be transmitted from one bird to another usually through the drinking water, and parent birds can infect their young through feeding. Symptoms – Infected birds show a definite reduction in activity, ruffled feathers, loss […]

General Antibiotics

Any fancier would be well advised to have a good general group of antibiotic in his medicine chest. They can be useful as “first choice” drugs if and when problems occur. General antibiotics are effective against a broad range of both gram positive and negative bacteria. But excessive use of them can really damage or […]

Using medicine the right way

Using medicine

To achieve the top condition of breeders and racers, a sound use of medicine has became a must in our sport. In general, overuse of medicine will in long term destroy the natural immunity of  your birds and reduce performance, both breeding and racing. Reduced performance in breeding will affect the next generation of birds on […]

An interview with Aage Møller Jensen & Frode Brakstad

Aage Møller Jensen

026 Fladstrand, Section 053,Denmark The partnership Jenssen & Brakstad is the field testing loft of Pigeon Vitality AS. Only Pigeon Vitalitys biproducts are used in this loft, and all new products are tested by this partnership before commercial lauching. Last year, the 2011 season, they got the new MultiViTra product for testing. This was the […]

Pigeon Vitality 2012 Test Loft

Pigeon Vitality

Summing up the 2012 results for Pigeon Vitality test loft Dear all: The 2012 season has been history, for Aage and myself (Jensen & Brakstad, 053) the season turned out well, with the following championships won: 1st Open Championchip in District (section 053). This covers all races organized by our section (based on 1st pigeon […]