Paratyphoid – Salmonellosis


Paratyphoid - SalmonellosisCause – This very common and quite widespread is caused by a gram-negative bacterium which is flagellated, therefore mobile.

It can be brought into a loft either through introduction of infected pigeons, by rodents, through inhalation of infected dust, on the soles of fanciers shoes, by roaches, or through contact with wild pigeons. Often an adult bird that has overcome the disease remains a carrier and continues to produce infected droppings.

Symptoms – Salmonella flagellates can be found throughout the body in severely infected birds. Thus, a variety of symptoms is possible. Most adult birds will show rapid weight loss, along with somewhat loose, greenish droppings. Some birds may develop swelling in the leg joints or feet, or may develop wing boils. Other birds may have the “twisted neck” syndrome commonly associated with PMV. Baby birds will often show labored breathing or die in the nest before the second week after hatching. Another symptom young dying in the egg.

Prevention – Loft hygiene is critical, because salmonella flagellates can live in the droppings for some time. But once AntiFungal and Improver are given in the drinking water of the pigeons, the droppings will stop being infected with salmonella. Regular cleaning and disinfecting of lofts, feeders and drinkers is imperative. Minimizing contact with rodents, roaches and wild birds, quarantining newly acquired birds, and maintaining an acid pH level below 4.0 thanks to Improver in our lofts are all helpful steps in keeping this disease under control. Several veterinarians have recommended the use of Nolvasan disinfectant together with Improver at one teaspoon per gallon (4.5 liters) of drinking water regularly to help maintain an acidic environment in the droppings. Regular use of the Improver against salmonella has proven to be especially effective.

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