Category Archives: Pigeon Vitality

Worm Disease

Cause – The most common worms found in pigeons today are roundworms hair worms, stomach wall worms, gapeworms, stromglylids and tapeworms.        Symptoms – The symptoms vary with the type of infestation, and conceivably pigeons can live with slight infestations and show no ill effects. Severe infestations generally cause droopiness, loss of weight and some diarrhea. Gapeworms […]

Sour Crop – Candida, Thrush

Cause – This very common disease is caused by a fungus infection of the digestive tract. It is often associated with excessive use of antibiotics. Symptoms – Infected birds become listless, won’t eat, lose weight, develop a water-filled crop and vomit often. This vomit often has a very putrid odor. Sometimes, in laser cases, thrush will show itself as […]

Respiratory infections – Mycoplasmosis & Ornithosis

Cause – These diseases all fall into the infectious bacterial category. Coryza   is actually the descriptive term used to identify the thick mucus discharges usually associated with both Mycoplasmosis catarrh and Ornithosis. The bacteria (termed Chlamydia in the case of Ornithosis) lodge in the upper respiratory tract and can be extremely hard to completely eradicate. Often, infected […]

Pigeon Malaria

Cause – This fairly common pigeon disease is caused by a protozoan that attacks the red blood cells of our birds. It is primarily carried by the pigeon fly, which acts as the intermediate host. Random tests of pigeon flocks have shown as much as a 30% malaria rate. Symptoms – Symptoms are vague. Except for some loss of […]

Circo Virus

Circo Cirus - Causes, symptoms and treatment

Circo Virus – Cause and Symptoms.  Because of the way this disease damages the immune system and seems to invite secondary infection, Circo Virus is sometimes called pigeon AIDS. Circo Virus damages the lymphocytes in the blood, which are closely associated with the immune system. With damaged lymphocytes, the pigeons become susceptible to secondary infections with […]

Adeno Virus

Cause and Symptoms – Only birds whose immune systems are suppressed are vulnerable to this disease. There are two types of Adeno Virus that infect pigeons. Type 1 affects young pigeons primarily and causes vomiting and diarrhea, from which many birds recover. Type 2 is contracted by older pigeons and strikes the liver, with most affected birds […]

PMV – Paramyxovirus

Cause and Symptoms – Paramyxovirus or PMV-1 is a viral infection unique to pigeons and is extremely contagious, especially in the racing sport where hundreds or thousands of birds are mixed and confined prior to release. Direct contact or indirect contact through contaminated feed, water or litter can spread the disease. Symptoms include extremely loose, watery droppings, […]

Pigeon Pox

Cause and Symptoms– Pigeon pox is caused by a virus that is generally carried by mosquitoes and other biting insects. When a nonresistant pigeon is bitten by a carrier parasite, the virus enters the bloodstream of the bird, and within five to seven days, small whitish wart-like lesions appear on the head, feet legs and beak […]